Tuesday, June 14, 2016

The Missing Pieces of Me by Jean Van Leeuwen

8.9/10  almost a 9/10

I cried a lot when I got to certain points in this story.  It is hard to imagine living in a world where you feel you are not loved.  Ms. Leeuwen truly creates empathy for her character.  It is important to make readers feel something when they read.  That is what creates powerful stories that you want to finish.  You start to feel something for Weezie and you want her life to be better. In the end it is not sugar coated, it is a realistic ending, not a fairy tale ending, not a 100% satisfying ending, but maybe a lesson that happiness comes from knowing yourself and creating your own opportunities regardless of what others feel you need to be.

Writing that makes you feel or root for Weezie:
"Momma says I'm a bad girl."
"'Get out of my sight!'she barked. 'I can't stand to look at you.'"
"But Momma never did call me for supper."
"I said I would come to your art show.  Isn't that enough?  Really, Weezie, you don't  think of anyone but yourself."
"Momma didn't come, I keep thinking. She never came."
"My own momma hates me."

Momma only buys things for the two little ones.  
Momma only takes the two little ones with her on Saturdays to fairs and stores etc.
Momma always tells Weezie she is bad like her dad.
Momma leaves Weezie outside with Roy and Weezie outside and takes the two little ones in with her.
Momma doesn't go to the art show that Weezie has a picture in.
Momma treats Weezie like a servant instead of a daughter.

Weezie lives with her mom and a sister and brother from two different dads from her own, she is on a quest to be a better person who is loved in a situation that makes that impossible.

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